- My essential question is what is the most important development in modern obstetrics to lowering infant mortality? Some of the best ways to lowering infant mortality is by reducing the rate of premature births and teen pregnancies. However, the best way to lowering infant mortality is by women receiving prenatal care. By women receiving prenatal care, it allows obstetricians to detect any abnormalities in the mother or fetus. Such abnormalities can include infections in the cervix or vagina in the mother and as for the baby, abnormalities can include down syndrome. By detecting such abnormalities as early as possible, obstetricians can help as best they can during the remaining stages of pregnancy and in the labor process.
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
- The process that I took to arrive at this answer was not too difficult. When I was reading an article on infant mortality done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, I noticed a link on prenatal care. I decided to do further research because I didn't have much knowledge on this topic. Sources such as the Mayo Clinic and the March of Dimes helped me understand at depth what exactly goes on during each prenatal care visits per trimester. After figuring out my second and third answers, I decided that prenatal care is the best way to lower infant mortality because it acts as a preventative measure so to speak.
(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
- A problem that I faced in the beginning of senior project was finding mentorship. During the summer, many college and high school students are trying to acquire volunteering positions at hospitals for several reasons so I definitely had competition where ever I went. With that being said, I had to look for hospitals that were a little out of my reach but to no luck I couldn't find mentorship. Such places that I looked for mentorship include, San Dimas Community Hospital, East Valley Medical Center, Pomona Valley Medical Center, Huntington Hospital, and Queen of the Valley. I resolved this problem, by applying for a volunteering position at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park. I got called in for an interview and when I went, they accepted me on the spot.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
- One of the most significant sources that I used was the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This journal helped me acquire research all throughout my senior project. In particular, this journal helped me better understand my senior answer because sources 72-77 in my working bibliography are mainly about preterm birth. Another significant source is Jeanette Garcia, the Lead Licensed Vocational Nurse in the OB/GYN department at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park. She was my interviewee for my third interview and I cannot stop saying good things about her. When I interviewed her, she was extremely knowledgeable and helpful and when she didn't know a question to my answer, she would go ask one of the doctors nearby.
(5) What is your product and why?
- My product is that I learned how to find "good" research. What I mean by good is acquiring sources that are credible and reliable. For example, the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mayo Clinic, and Beck's Obstetrical Practice and Fetal Medicine are excellent sources that I would recommend to anyone researching OB/GYN. Although it is time consuming when trying to find good pieces of research, it is definitely worth it in the long run because I managed to get research that only a small percentage are able to read and fully understand. I feel that before the commencement of senior project, my researching skills were mediocre so when research checks came along, I was a little lost because I didn't know what constituted as good research. However, as research checks progressed, I felt that little by little I was getting better at finding good research. Although good research sometimes means printing and reading 8 to 10 pages, I felt that it was definitely worth it because most articles gave me a deeper understanding of my topic whether it be from a foundational perspective or for a specific answer.
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