Thursday, January 31, 2013

Independent Component 1


(a) I, Marilyn Garcia, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Mentor(s) name and contact information or the main source you used to complete the independent component.
Bradley Method class: Jaime Castillo Phone Number: (909) 373-6605
Kaiser Classes: Victoria Ortiz Phone Number: (626) 851-5943
(c) Independent Component 1 Log 
(d) Explanation of what you completed.
I completed various classes that taught me about natural birthing options as well as a hospitalized birth. Also these classes taught me a lot about prenatal care and what the process that obstetric health care teams take in order to ensure a good labor whether the mom has a c-section or a vaginal birth. 

Going to these classes definitely wasn't easy because some of them went late into the night usually by the time that I would go and sleep. However, these classes were very informative because they taught me things that I never knew before such as how to wash a baby when you bring him/her home, the procedure that doctors take to perform a c-section, and how carefully women have to take care of themselves especially if they have gestational diabetes. I think the most significant part of these classes is when the instructors showed how babies pass through the pelvic bone in order to get through the birth canal. This part was really interesting because I got to see a visual of it and I realized how fascinating the human body is especially when moms are giving birth to their child. Below I have included some pictures of the notes/handouts that I took during the classes. 
Certificate of completion of a class that I took at Kaiser!

This component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better because it helped me learn more about my first answer which is prenatal care. Also in the classes that I took, I got to compare the Bradley Method with moms being treated at the hospital and after analyzing everything that the instructors taught me, I came up with which method I think is best. During the prepared childbirth class that I took at Kaiser, it really helped me learn tools to use during labor which are: cleansing breaths, focal point, relaxation techniques, and breathing techniques. Also I learned about the baby's presentation, which means what position the baby is in during labor. I think these things would be good to mention during my presentation and in the future I could possibly use these techniques that the instructors have taught me. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Mentorship Update: 1/23/2013

A while ago while I was volunteering in the OB/GYN department, I asked the Lead L.V.N, Jeannette, about this really big machine that I saw earlier that day. I explained to her that this machine made a big whoosh sound and she told me that it was a Fetal Doppler Machine which listens to the baby's heart rate. Jeannette said that every whoosh I heard was the baby's heart rate and I thought this was pretty cool because I was actually hearing a baby's heart rate which I rarely hear. Also another interesting fact that I learned was that whenever a baby is born they play a lullaby for about 10 seconds and while at the hospital I heard it about 4 times in a single day which means that a lot of babies are born at Kaiser! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Third Interview Questions

1. What is the best way an obstetrician can manage the pregnancy of a woman with gestational diabetes?

2. How can a women lessen her chance of acquiring gestational diabetes?

3. What kind of monitoring is done when a woman has gestational diabetes?

4. How does a woman get gestational diabetes?

5. What are the effects that insulin can cause to the mother and baby before and after labor.

6. What are some of the symptoms that pregnant women feel when they have gestational diabetes?

7. What is the process of induction during labor?

8. Are there any side effects from having an induction for the first child?

9 . How would a women go through labor when having gestational diabetes?

10. What are the psychological effects that gestational diabetes has on women?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Independent Component Update 1/12/2013

For my independent component I have decided to switch class locations. Before I winter break, I took classes at Claremont but due to the long drive that I had to take, I decided to take classes at Kaiser in Baldwin Park. The classes that I will be taking at Kaiser is generally the same information that I was learning at Claremont. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 11: Mentorship Hours Check

1. I am doing my mentorship at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park
2. My contact is Leila Chong
3.  I have done 124.5 hours at the hospital
4. While at the hospital, I have helped the OB/GYN department with making prenatal packets, third trimester packets, copies for the receptionists, making urine cup baggies for the receptionists  or refilling the pitchers in all modules with water. On the weekends when I have done concierge, I have helped patients get to their destination and I have also helped the Health Education Department with directing patients to a particular class in the hospital's basement.